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The following policies and procedures are expected of LSSST shooters at all times when at practices/tournaments, and in general situations when representing LSSST. All shooters should familiarize themselves with these policies. 

GHSC Safety Rules

  • Eye/ear protection required at all times

  • Treat all guns as if they are loaded

  • Always carry guns in a way others can see it is unloaded

  • 7.5, 8, and 9 shot shells are the only shot sizes permitted

  • Never load more than 2 shells

  • Guns MUST be open and empty unless you are in the designated shooting stand

  • ALWAYS make sure your gun is open and empty before leaving the shooting stand

  • No person under the age of 16 is to operate any golf cart, mule, polaris, or other motorized vehicle

  • No firearms in the clubhouse at any time

  • Only shoot in designated areas

  • Before loading, ensure the barrel of the gun is over the rail of the shooting stand

  • Always load the proper gauge shells

*Consequences for violating safety rules are as follows: 
1st offence: Warning
2nd offence: Shooter will be required to give a 5 minute speech about safety to team
3rd offence: Could result in dismissal from team

Practice Policies

When at practice, shooters will:

  • Meet at specified location at GHSC on time

  • Bring adequate ammo

  • Ensure adequate targets are on practice card

  • Wear appropriate clothing and shoes

  • Use only one golf cart per squad

  • Drive golf carts no faster than 10 mph

  • Ensure every club golf cart is put away after practice

LSSST Elite Team

To qualify for the LSSST Elite Team, shooters must:

  • Maintain acceptable grades as determined by the shooter's parents

  • Have a status of NSCA B Class or above

  • Attend a minimum of 75% of intended practices

  • Compete in ALL major regional tournaments, including but not limited to:
    Texas State, SC Regional, Buckle Races, Diamond Classic, Browning Briley

  • Wear all required team apparel (jersey and hat) when competing in tournaments

*Failure to do so will result in removal from the LSSST Elite Team until 30 days have passed, then the athlete must attend a tournament wearing the appropriate apparel to be reinstated.

Tournament Etiquette

When at tournaments, shooters will: 

  • Use respectful and polite language to trappers (yes sir/yes ma'am, please, thank you)

  • Never argue with a trapper's call

  • Never throw shells, kick trash cans, or any similar behavior

  • Always arrive at their assigned station a minimum of 15 minutes before their start time



  • It is the shooter's responsibility to schedule their private lesson each month

  • If the shooter fails to schedule a lesson, they will lose their lesson for that month


  • If a shooter schedules a lesson and does not show, they will lose their lesson for the month

  • If a shooter wishes to cancel or reschedule a lesson, they must do so with a minimum of 24 hours notice or enough time for that lesson spot to be filled by someone else

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